75 fowlr pics....I love this hobby


75g AGA
20g diy refugium
euroreef skimmer
coralife 260w lunar aqualight
Approx 100 mixed live rock
Tank has been running for over 2years upgrade from 30g
Next is 125,135 or 150 jump. Couple of weeks away.



Thanks. I know, the 180 is calling me. I actually have the space but I just think it will look too huge sitting in the space. If I find one for a reasonable price however that might be the needed incentive. we'll see.


Proud new owner of a 150 rr oceanic. Can't wait to transfer everything over to new set up. Tomorrow I will work out the plumbing arrangement and order a return pump. I'm guessing a mag 18 should do it. I'm terrified of the transfer even though I have no corals I can't bare to stress my fish. Also for the 100th time, simply is kolorscape (HD blue bag) white play sand safe for my tank.


well i have 60# of base rock in my tank with 2 powerheads running and all I'm waiting for is to add some live rock and sand, the problem is I have 2 bags of Kolorscape play sand and I dont know if iI should add it or not I dont have the $$ to add all LS


I'm slowly getting everything together to make tanks switches and the sand thing is killing me. I purchased 4 40lb bags of Kolorscape play sand. Someone told me that I should be alright with it but I'm still a little bothered by all of the mixed opinions. I've yet to see a tank looking the way I'd like mine to look with the owner claiming to be a kolorscape advocate with the exception of the gent who sold me my new tank ( I need more confirmation). I was just going to mix it with the live sand I have in my 75 but we'll see closer to the big date.


put some vinegar on a sample of the sand. if it bubbles, the sand is calcium carbonate based, and should be fine.


Thanks. I tried the vinegar test. Didn't really see any fizzle going on
. The vinegar I used was however sitting around quite a while. I purchased a new bottle of vinegar. Will try again later this evening. If not I'm going to use all of my existing sand from my 75 gallon and fill a new sump 40 gallon (hopefully) with old sand and go bare bottom in tank until I can get up the money to fill 150 gallon with live sand at a later time. Does anyone think that this a bad idea? The cash that I do have I want to spend on a Ro unit and switch my salt (oceanic is overkill with calcium). I also want to upgrade my test kit to Salifert. I think I'm doing the the most import thing by doing so. I have about 100lbs of live rock that's been in 75 for a good 2yrs. Any and all advice is seriously considered and appreciated.