75 FOWLR Reef Conversion.


New Member
I have had a 75 FOWLR for over a year now and am taking the plunge to migrate to a reef setup.I'd like to keep Softies,LPS and clams.I would like any info or opinions on how best to go about this and if any of my current equipment or inhabitants will need to be changed.My current stats are as follows:80watts of NO light actinic and 50/50 daylight,80 lbs of live sand aragonite,a little over 150 lbs LR,I Have a HOB dual tube overflow box with a wet/dry w/bioballs rated for a 125Gal tank,a protein skimmer in wetdry as well as a UV sterilizer.2 rios for in tank powerheads and a magdrive 950 as my return.I house a mandarin,yellow coris wrasse,firefish,tomato clown,yellow tail damsel,2 green chromis, and a spotted goby.
I have purchased a new stand and canopy to showcase my tank along with a retrofit kit from cooltouch lighting which will consist of 2 175watt ushio 10,000k MH's and 2 Corallife 110watt actinic 03's.I have a 20 gallon tank laying around that i thought I would use as a fuge but dont quite know how I would go about getting the water back and forth from my wet/dry sump. Should I take this opportunity and add more sand before I begin and if so my established sand is at the bottom would I just pour in the new aragonite over it and stir it up a little? Again any ideas would be appreciated.Thanks in advance!:)