75 Gal Pic


Active Member
the only two fish that wouldn't go well in that tank is the moorish idol (gill) and the porcupine puffer (bloat.) you can always sub the moorish idol for a heniochus butterfly and fool the poor kids


i two am planning a similar tank for my wife ...fist of all awesome tank!!!!!!!! 2 questions....1) what type of lightning are using for that anemone....2) i was lookiing at the same anemone for my tank but the boards and web pages say they rarely host the clownfish because they are from the caribbean where clowns aren't found....any experience or comments on this :hilarious


https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/sho...t=florida+condy my tank has 260 watt pc lighting."not sure if enough yet" but i plan on upgrading after march. as for the anemone i got it free from here so it is a trial and era thing. but the doc in clown fish and anemone forum has all the answers plus look in there for me under anemone id and the doc gave me a wonderful link with all types of info.[ i do not know how to put link in other wise i would] try the link at the top