75 gal poly sump?


I have a 90 gal tank with a custom stand, but I am
wondering if I build a matching stand next to my tank
will this sump help in the quality of my tank.
it measures aprox 40inch high X 20 inches square, aprox
75 gals. I guess I would use a seperate pump.
any Idea's


It will help by diluting the polutants in the water (the more water the better), but this leaves you with limited options as far as what filtration you can use this sump for. A sump of that configuration wouldn't allow you to set up a refugium later on, it will also restrict what type of skimmer you can use in it. You could probably only use a hang on type skimmer with this container. You can make it work, but there may be better options, really, it's up to you and what you want the sump to do.


Active Member
I agree with surfnturf that a vertical column sump like that may limit you with what you can do with it - although if you already have this poly tank - it would be a shame not to use it for something.
It would make a pretty cool water change station - mix saltmix and freshwater - heat & aerate with powerhead - then pump into tank. Would be nice located right next to the display tank - and you could dress it up with a matching wooden stand.
If you could plumb it into your system with some pvc valves/piping/pumps - you could drain and fill this column for water changes, doing very small or large water changes as you see fit.
If you had two of them - man that would trick.
Both located "at" the tank - in a nice looking stand.
One RO or RO/DI with auto top-off system, and the other saltwater. Make life easier when doing daily maintenance and water exchanges.
If you had the room - two of these tanks and a more traditional "horizontal" sump - all plumbed in - allowing you to cut in new saltwater, drain off old saltwater, hide your equipment, top-offs and have sump/refugium ALL in this new stand - now that would be really cool.
90 gallon display tank with about 175 gallon maintenance station/sump/refugium right next to it.


thanks broomer for the idea , I do have a sump under my tank.
I was thinking of putting one of my over flows from my fish tank right into the extra sump and then a seperate pump to return back to the tank. I would build some drip plates / pads and bio balls . what about that ?


Active Member
Are you talking about having two separate sumps, each receiving display tankwater from it's own overflow, but not connected to each other sharing common water level ?


yes so underneath my tank stand I can put my protein skimmer
ect. will the flow rate matter, becuase I am useing to seperate
pumps ? is a 30 gal tank under my stand enough for a 90 gal?
do you have any pic's of your sump ?