75 gal


Ok So I inherited a 75 gallon tank, so after christmas I am going to set it up and cycle it and move the contents of my 55 into it. Here's my question. I went to Home depot today and picked up 100lbs of Southdown....I know thats alot but I didn't want to make another trip back. Anyhow......what do you guys recomend as far as how much Southdown and how much LS? Also, anyone get LR from this site........How is the selection......a couple large peices or a bunch of small peices. Or am I better off going to my LFS and picking out what I want?


well rocks are all different shapes and sizes. I am going to the LFS to pick out the ricks i want because u can never be sure how big they r on the internet.


You could seed the DSB with the sand currently in your 55. No need for new LS.
I haven't bought LR from this site but have from another online and was VERY happy with what I got. Nice pieces with lots of coralline. You can email me if you want more info.
dugan2b @ yahoo . com


Thats a good idea but here is my situation. I want to cycle the 75 totally before I switch over from the 55. Could I see the new sand after it has cycled?