75 gallon compatibility?


Active Member
I'm planning on doing a 75 gallon aquarium with a 30 gallon sump/fuge possibly larger fuge.
I couldn't find any books going into compatibility really, and I've looked around, and couldn't really find much. I beleive it is based mostly off of the individual fish for the most part.
I was thinking of a lionfish (radiata/voliton/dwarf), a snowflake eel, and a smaller puffer (saddle valenti/maybe spiny box depending on your opinions)
From what I've found, those should be around good size for a 75 gallon, and I think i'll be ok on the bioload with a 30 possibly more sump/fuge.
If this isn't gonna work - just tell me :yes:
Also, If anybody has any good references on compatibility charts/information such as websites or books, let me know - I couldn't find much


I believe the smaller puffer species are more prone to nip lion fins.
I have puffers with a lion and it does quite fine, but there is risks, as there are not a lot of certainties in this hobby.
There are a lot of beautiful wrasse species available that would thrive in a 75 gallon evironment, have you considered them?


Active Member
Yep, thanks. I think I'm going to go with the dwarf if I can find it, but I'm probably going to go with the radiata. I'm just going to pass on the puffer and get a wrasse or two. The snowflake eel, and probably a yellow tang. The owner of the LFS said I should be good, the only questionable thing would be the snowflake eel with the wrasses and tangs, but I should be ok. Thanks for the help! :D