75 Gallon complete system for sale


New Member
We are moving and need to down size. We have a 75 gallon system running for 7 years filter system and lighting system 1 year old. The system includes:
200 Gallon sump with protein skimmer.
2 250 watt Metal halide lights
2 power compacts
2 power fans for excess heat
Canopy & Stand
100-125 pounds of cherry picked live rock mostly Tonga
Live sand bottom
1 Large Sailfin Tang
1 Large (changing) Koran Angel
1 Engineer Goby
1 Huge Reef Lobster (pink)
1 Medium Yellow Tang
1 Large Yellow Damsel
Snails and Crabs
1 MATED pair of Tomato clowns which lay eggs every 3 weeks
I would like to sell the entire system in one shot and not break it up. The whole system is $2500 or best offer. If you would like pictures I can email them to you my email address is nicoleins@yahoo.com The system is located in Knoxville TN.