75 gallon questions


New Member
You all have such beautiful tanks!!! I really need some advice on how to upgrade mine. Right now it is pretty boring, yellow tang, clownfish, a shrimp, 3 damsels and some cleaners. I really want some anenomes, soft coral... what kind of light would I need, and any other info would be so appreciated. I have had this one set up for 2 years and have had no problems. Just ready to add some color and fun!!! Thanks


Active Member
it depends on how much you want to spend but metal halides aredefinately theway to go they will light your tank up very nicely!


Active Member
i agree with ams if you can affored them then buy them, if not then maybe your should go with around 300W of PC lighing. BUT i believe anenomes need a good amount of light so if you really want one, get MHs.
do you really want those damsels? If not i would take them out and get maybe an angel fish and possibly a buttefly fish(can be hard to take care of though)


Active Member
yea damsels really arnt the best things for a reef as they are a bit aggressive.. unless of course they are green chromis.. then they are fine!