75 gallon startup question


I finally started up my 75 gallon tank on Friday 9/27 after having it for 8 months empty in the basement. I used 80 lbs of bio-active live sand and 50 lbs of live rock. The sand package says instant cycling just add fish is this true ? I would like to add one fish a naso tang for now. When can i start taking my fish and rock out of my 35 and put in the 75. What kind of schedule do you recommend i have 40 lbs of live rock,toadstool coral,devils hand leather,star polyps,red hawkfish,bangaii cardinal,sailfin tang,percula clown,mandarin goby and lots of mushrooms please help i don't want to dump things in too fast.


Active Member
i would be hesitatnt about the labeling on the package and wait at least a week with regular water tests to see where you are at. i would strongly discourage gettign a naso tang for a 75 as he will grow too big too fast. usually one tang per 75 gal is a good rule to go by, and you already have a sailfin tang that you are planning on adding. Your fishload on the 40 was already pretty steep, i would stick them in the 75 after all params check out and then add as little fish as possible, but def not a naso.
good luck