75 Gallon Stock List


I have a 75 gallon tank and i have one yellow tail damsel from my old 33 gallon that sprung a leak. I have a couple of lists i'm thinking of. I want to do a FOWLR.
My first list is:
1 harlequin tuskfish
2 maroon clowns
1 Kole Tang
1 yellow tail damsel
1 fuzzy dwarf lion
My second is:
1 yellow tail damsel
1 six line wrasse
2 percula clowns
1 flame hawk
1 lemon peel dwarf angel


New Member
I was going to say put the 6-line in last, if at all. I just had to remove mine because of aggression toward new additions.


How about this?
1 engineer goby/convict blenny
1 fuzzy dwarf lion
2 GSM's
1 flame or lemonpeel angel
1 yellow coris
1 valentini puffer
How does this look for compatability and stock levels?


Regardless of which list you choose, most of those should be fine with the exception of the Tusk fish and possibly the Kole Tang.
Tusks need a larger tank than a 75, and though most Koles you see in the stores are small, they do get decent size and need quite a bit of swimming room.
Stick to Clowns, and other small species and you'll have much better success.


I believe your best bet tang wise is going to be the kole. They only get to around 6", so I'd say a 4' tank is a nice size for one. I'm keeping my tomini in my 55, as they're smaller than yellows. If it ends up looking too cramped in there when it gets bigger, I'll probably sell it. I doubt it though.