75 gallon tank

I just purchased a 75 gallon tank with built in overflow and refugium sump. After setting everything up and switching on the pump the noise was immediatly unbearable.Im not sure if i made a huge mistake. It sound like im living under niagra falls. Is there anyway i can calm the noise down would a canopy help? Can i put a canopy over outer orbit 48in metal halide lighting? thank you for any responses.


Active Member
Have you been able to pinpoint the exact location where the slushing sound is coming from? In our 75 (Perfecto tank), there is a small hole under the output nozzle arm that flushes the water really loudly. I took some filter floss and stuffed it into the corner and voila... noise is bearable.


Active Member
Wheres the noise coming from. The overflow drain or in the sump where the water goes? If its the overflow you'll probably want to look into a Durso standpipe design to quiet it. If its where the water flows into the sump theres a variety of ways to quiet it.
The sound is all the water rushing from the top of the overflow falling to the bottom holes.The pump is 1145gph and is some what loud but not nearly as lound as the waterfall effect.


Active Member
Is the overflow making like a toilet flushing sound or is the waterfall affect coming from below where it drains into the sump?
i believe the majority of the noise is coming from the waterfall effect. What is the best way to reduce the noise it has completly ran us out of our living room.


Active Member
You can try to put a gate valve on the tube that flows down to the sump and then cloe it enough to regulate the flow a bit. Otherwise lower where the water drains into the sump so it doesn't splash into the water. Or a combination of both to minimize the noise.