75 gallon tanks


Could some people post pics of their 75 gallon tanks, and maybe list what fish they have in them, lighting, etc...etc..... I would really appreciate it, Im probably gonna get a 75 gallon and i just wanted an idea on what all i can put in it and just to get a general idea of what it might look like, sorry i dont have any to post yet, but would really like to see some of yours.....:happyfish


Sorry I should have specified, Im doing a FOWLR, so I would definetly like to see some of those, but I definetly dont mind seeing some reef tanks either :happy:

tru conch

Active Member
i would post a pic of my 75, but unfortantely im on an all expense paid year long trip to iraq right now. but do a search and you might find a few other memebers with 75s.]
oh yeah check out under my name, are you SXE or just into hxc? just wondering....


Im just into hxc, you? I have a friend thats in the air force and hes over there right now, well i think in Kuwait, hes into hxc and he is sxe. Well I know that Im prayin for all of you troops to get home safely, show Irag whats up with hxc:happy:

tru conch

Active Member
im sXe, it has helped keep me out of trouble the last few years. but im not militant though, so i dont look down on people who arent
heres a pic of me on patrol all "x"ed up. i tell the local iraqis that the xes give me super powers. hahaha
and thanks for all the support, it means alot to us over here.


Active Member
You know around here, if you have x's on your hands you can't drink in the bar. LOL, kick some butt over there and come home safe.
What the heck is hxc and SXE?


Super powers haha. Nick hxc (

, genre of music) and sxe (straight edge, meaning no drugs, alcohol, etc..etc..) Tru Conch I dont know if your into The Hope Conspiracy at all but I know their old drummer is over there or was and had a big part in capturing Sadam...but you might already known that....anyways, hope you guys all get home safe...peace:happy:

tru conch

Active Member
nick-also just a little histoy, back in the early 80's when the punk rock movement was gaining steam, several bands had a different philosphy on life, basically no drugs/drinking/smoking/casual ---. in order for underage kids to go to these shows, they had to have black x's on their hands. this in turn became the symbol of the straight edge movement. the band minor threat was the first to actaully coin the name straight edge in the song well called straight edge
so SXE, its straight X edge
hXc, hard X core
hxcpnk- i didnt know the drummer from the hope conspiracy was over here. i did run into another hxc kid up in tikrit. im trying to remember where the hope conspiracy was from. im pretty sure i saw them up in dc a few times, but the sand and sun has fried my brain though.


Here is my 75g, just setup. The lights went in day before yesterday! Still cloudy, and empty other than sand. It won't stay so boring for too much longer! :joy:


ok grrrr how do I post more than one pic in a single post? maybe I'll figure it out.. here's with the new lights I put on monday night (Was up till 5am doing this haha, never got tired tho!):
yes tank is still very cloudy!


view under the hood of the lights:
they are VERY bright, btw..
yep, gotta tack up those wires hanging down.. I promise they are sealed really good, so no big worries yet. (2) 50/50 URI 46.5" VHO, (2) Super Actinic URI 46.5" VHOs, 2 WH7 ballasts:


Nice pics, those lights make a huge difference. So your doing a reef tank?..post some more pics once the cyclying is done.etc..etc...:happy:


Thanks. I finished the transition from my 29g to the 75 in October. It has taken a few months for things to start settling in. I had some real issues in the beginning but things finally seem to have recovered. Why are you planning to do FOWLR? It looks like you already have some pretty good lighting.


Here's mine:) I only have 4 fish as to keep the bioload low for my corals.
PJ Cardinal
Sixline Wrasse
Flame Hawkfish
Yellowtail Blue Damsel
Lights are CSL new moon light hood with 2 65 watt 10,000K and 2 65 watt 7100 K (soon to be replaced with actinic 03's from Hello Lights).