75 gallon with two lion species


I love lionfish and i was wondering whether i could put an antennata lion and a zebra dwarf in a 75 gallon tank? Also any suggestions on tankmates?


I would make sure the tank is mature enough and introduce them at the same time. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spots and overhangs. Add the lions first, this way you can start weaning them over to frozen foods, you can also do this in quarantine. If you need to use ghost shrimp or fiddler crabs when weaning, it will not be so hard for them to compete with other fish. Pick up a feeder stick from your LFS.
Care for the Zebra Lion is the same as it is for the fuzzy dwarf, you can try weaning with Krill and/or Frozen Sand Eels. With the Antennata I would try Krill, mysis and Frozen Sand eels.
Soak all you food in vitamins and once weaned you can add foods like: Raw Shrimp, Crab, Scallops, Squid, Octo and so on.