75 hexagon lighting recommendation?


any thoughts and recommendations for a 75 gallon hexagon. if anyone has this tank, what is the best lighting to go with, i want good live rock growth, dont mind how much?


reef or FO? If it's FO tank, i would put two 96 watt pc's NO lighting probaly wouldnt reach the bottom of teh tank
if it's a reef, 400 watt mh.


if i went with the 400, two questions, would it heat up too much? i have one fan in there already due to heat. also, if i go fish only, would 400 be overkill or be ok and just not be necessary? i dont mind spending the money to make it look quality! thanks, brian.


bz just yesturday I was talking to the owner of lfs and I asked him how to keep the tank cool with mh (knowing that I dont have yet). He said if you are doing it a cheap way then he would drill 2 on each side of the reflector. Heat rises right? Also get 1 of those cheap clip on fans that cost like $8 at point it in towards the tank to circulat the air up through those holes. If you drill the holes right you shouldn't see any light comeing from the top of the tank.


not really a bad idea, i am curious how much heat they put out. my current lights put out enough already. i guess i will add the fan you mentioned, it can only help. thanks for the good advise.