75 set up


Well I looked a some pictures of peopes eels and determined i wanted to get into keeping them. so tell me if these will be ok and how about the set up
1 humu picasso trigger
1 panther grouper
1 anntenata lion
1 cortez angel
2 sfe
no i do not plan to add all those fish just one and if i can add 2 please list the number and what type of fish i can have with 2 snow flake eels
here is the list of filitration that would go with it
75 gallon bow front
20 gallon sump
20 gallon refugium
15W advantage 2000+ HOB UV Sterilizer
AquaC Urchin Pro With Mag-Drive 3 Pump (protien skimmer)
thats as far as ive gotten on the filtration so far so post if u have any ideas


Active Member
No triggers with lions, so choose one or the other.
A cortez is harder to keep, so if you do not plan to really keep up on the water changes, do not get a cortez because you will have a heavy bioload anyway.
You will need a larger tank for a panther group, as they get to be about 15-20". I would go with one of the smaller groupers that do not grow so quickly like a spotted, skunk, or miniata.