75 setup! help :)


Hi...I'm wanting to set up a 75 gallon tank...I wanna keep a Niger Triger and a Yellow tang...and a pair of clowns...I'm not sure what equitment to buy! skimmer? uv? i have a marine filter i bought the other day...so i got that...i got a heater too...i don't if i should get sand or crushed coral. all oppions will be soooo appirciated <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />

rabid frog

Active Member
I think the fav. substrate is deffinately sand, lots of people use the south down brand that you get at lowes or home depot(maybe) most people are makin the switch from cc to a dsb.


I'd suggest sand for your substrate- 4" minimum 6" max- and you can hold off on the skimmer for now - it won't be needed for several months - this is a slowwww hobbie. The tank will need to cycle before adding your fish and on that - I wouldn't put the trigger in there - to agressive. might want to consider adding LR. Will help with filteration and sets up the tank to go to a reef in you chose later.


In case your like me (being new) and have no clue what DSB stands for it's Deep Sand Bed. meaning like, rabid frog said, 3 -4 inces of fine grain live sand. To save money you can use half live sand and half regulat sand, just make sure it's fine grain and put the LS on top of the regular stuff. And I agree on waiting on the skimmer unless money iss not an issue (wouldn't that be nice) mine didn't start skimming until about the second month. The other important thing if your going to make it a reef tank is lights. Lots of light! Think 3 watts per gallon is I good goal but more is always better. hope this helps. good luck with your tank and let us klnow your results!


thanks i was getting confused on what DSB meant...i thought niger triggers are suppost to be alittle more peacful then otheres...was i imformed wrong...hmm...i really like triggers...any peacful ones out there...? ok i'm not sure how much live rock to put in the 75 gal tank...i don't wanna make it look totally overboard you know...how many lbs should i get?


I am setting up a 75 gal as well. For sand I am going to buy 80 lbs of live sand and put that on top of however much Southdown sand it will take for 4". I plan on buying about 60 lbs of live rock as well, I think this should be a good amount. As far as a trigger goes, I think you could keep one but maybe not with the clowns (they might be too small) I thik if you keep certain triggers fed well enough and they have enough room they will stay relativly peaceful, not sure about this, but I think the Huma Huma trigger is on the more peaceful side of the spectrum, see what other people say though


triggers are messy eaters, so i am told, so you will need a protien skimmer. well, you can kinda get the idea by looking at peoples signatures. do not get cc, go with ls. you can keep small, 2-5 inches(5 max!!) triggers. then take em back to the lfs.
for lr you should, if you are going to use as extra filtration, 1 to 1 1/2lbs per gallon.


Ditto on the LS/LR for the tank..a MUCH better choice than CC..
For a Tank that size..I would use at least 75-80 LBs of LR to start..then you can go from there on what you like, and how to arrange the pcs..
If you are going to have messy eaters, you will definately need a skimmer, or you'll have way too much excess food floating around the tank..
Gl with your tank...patience is best in doing this..I know its hard to wait, but it does pay off..