75 stocking


New Member
So I've had my 75 set up for about a month now, and I have one arrow crab, and a few locally caught rock crabs (small asian shore crabs I believe) and one domino damsel. I am wondering what I should stock it with. I would love some ocellaris clowns, and maybe some gobies. Also I'm curious if I could put a few tangs of different types. Maybe a Naso and hippo? Thanks for any help!


No idea about the parrotfish, but with wrasses it depends. A large wrasse could probably eat a large crab, or at least try to. But you will need a lot bigger tank for parrotfish. I think at least 150 gallons.


Active Member
Well, you should go with a reef safe wrasse if you really want one. There are some pretty nice ones like the McCoskers Flasher wrasse, etc. But on the tangs, go for the smaller ones like the Tomini or the kole. I have a 75 and have a yellow tang, and would not recommend it in a 75 either. He is growing quickly (which is why I am trying to get a 180g). But I would not recommend 2 tangs in a 75.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Stay away from tangs. Tank too small. Get rid of the damsel. he will get huge and beat up any new fish. Get the clowns. Get some a goby. Get a Yellow Wrasse, Then get a hawkfish. I prefer flame. Then get a bi color blenny and then call it a tank and go reef.


cleaner wrasse, flame angel, get rid of the damsel trust me they are bitch fish