75g In Wall


I have decided to do a 75g in-wall. We are about to finish our basement, this week. I can't wait. Please post any pictures of your 75g reef tank and/or in-wall applications. I do not want to do halides. Please let me know what type of lighting you have, VHO or PC's when you post. The LFS around here do not have a good selection of lights. I know there are aton of them on ----, but I don't know what brand is good. Please help me.



Originally posted by GrndHog
You need to post this in DIY

I am not asking how to build it. Why would I post it in DIY??? I am asking light questions for "reef" tanks. I also would like to see "reef" tank pictures. Thanks for the opinion, but I think it is in the right place.
I have a 75 reef tank and I really like the Icecap 660 system. It puts out 440 watts of VHO if you get the 48" bulbs. I have had it for 2 years and also had other Icecap systems with no problems.


Active Member

Originally posted by sailfin
Hello...anybody out there????

did I post a few pics or what? Am I the only one that sees them?


Thanks for the comments and pics. I have seen the 850g monster before, very nice. BTW I did see your pics doodle, but it had been a while since anybody had posted and I wanted to bump the thread without saying "bump". I appreciate your input as well.



Originally posted by sailfin
I am not asking how to build it. Why would I post it in DIY??? I am asking light questions for "reef" tanks. I also would like to see "reef" tank pictures. Thanks for the opinion, but I think it is in the right place.

Have you read the thousands of lighting threads on this forum?


Yes I have. Most talk about the make up of a light and all the technical stuff that I already know about. I am asking what type of lights do people have that they have had good results with and good reliability. Thanks for the input. If you think about it there is probably a thread out there for everything we post. I see HELP BROWN ALGAE threads all of the time.