75g with one eel, what else?


New Member
I've got a black edged moray eel in my 75g tank, its been going with him in it for about 6 months. I really want to add another eel, maybe a chainlink or a fimbriated eel what do you guys think?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by camarodrivenrs
I've got a black edged moray eel in my 75g tank, its been going with him in it for about 6 months. I really want to add another eel, maybe a chainlink or a fimbriated eel what do you guys think?
I don't have any experience with a black edge but other articles I have read about them I think said are/can get pretty agressive.
I have a chain link and a fimbraited together in a 75g and they have been fine for many months but if I were you I would maybe try a more docile eel with your black edge (like a chain link or a snow flake) instead of adding a fimby or a more aggresive type. 2 agressive eels in a 75g can cause problems in the long run once they reach adult size.


New Member
I really wanted to do a fimbraited or a tesselatta eel, but i know the tess gets too big and would probably eat my black edge. I would guess the black edge is aggressive as he has ate a couple of damsels and other small fish. I do have a 125g ready to go but not set up would that be enough space for the black edge and fimbraited together?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by camarodrivenrs
I really wanted to do a fimbraited or a tesselatta eel, but i know the tess gets too big and would probably eat my black edge. I would guess the black edge is aggressive as he has ate a couple of damsels and other small fish. I do have a 125g ready to go but not set up would that be enough space for the black edge and fimbraited together?
yes a 125 would be your best bet with that pair. the extra 2 feet on a 125 gives you alot more room to work with.
if you want a really nice aggresive eel see if you can find a gymnothorax moringa (spotted moray). I have seen them on a couple sites if you are comfortable ordering off the internet unless your fish store can find one. I love mine, he's just over 2 feet and thick,has his own 75g though.