75gal species


I have a 75gal tank that I have some african cichlids in right now. I think I will be giving them to my brother. I don't know if I am going to make it into a Amazon Planted Tank or another saltwater. I am kind of interested in getting one aggressive and letting it have the whole tank to itself. What are my choices? Can I keep any of the common aggressive fish in a 75 if it is the only occupant?


I was going to give you the equiptment list. I will not be making any upgrades to this equiptment(unless I want a divorce).
AGA sump w/ wetdry filter
turboflotor protein skimmer
40-50lb lr
(heaters, therm., and other accessories.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Will a clown trigger work in a 75?
no, if i wer u id go w/ a small eel or lion


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
Will a clown trigger work in a 75?
Not a clown, but you could realistically keep an undulate trigger in a 75, again as the only inhabitant, if you're prepared to dedicate this tank to a single fish. A lot of folks get bored with this type of set-up, but a species only tank can be pretty neat.


Butterflyfish Species tank,wait fine then I could make the 1250gallon a butterflyfish species tank. :joy: