8 days of vacation and got home to this problem


well i just got home from vacation and my galaxia seems to be having troubles and im not sure the cause but it seems half is fine the other is dying. any ideas on saving it. the area thats affected is still living. but wont fully open . not sure how well my friend did or if he did anything at all.


he didnt add the supplements to the aquarium as i asked he only fed the fish and he didnt turn lights off and on like i asked basically lights were on constant four four days and off for four days he only fed the fish but on his behalf he did that well water qulity is still good and no other visible problems i can see


Active Member
See...That's why I don't go on vacation...
My wife thinks it's because I'm a workaholic and anti-social...
I mean I am a workaholic AND anti-social...but I tell her it's because of my tanks...:D


Active Member
timers work perfect, auto feeder and a neighbor that can do top offs and look for any general trouble. Any additives are placed in pre meausred containers and marked for the days.


very valuable tips !!! but any suggestions on helping my poor struggling galaxia although it looks like its doing better today. timers will my next addition i have been just too stubborn thus far to buy them. my own ignorance.


I have 4 digital timers from HD (13-15 bucks each) for my lights. Makes life easy. Auto feeder for the fish (when I am on vacation) or ask the person who check on our house to drop in a pinch, and I set up a mechanical (not electrical) float switch in my sump/fuge for an auto top off.
Just got back from an 8 day vacation. Water perams were exactly where I left them, fish looked awesome, new frags had shown visible growth, and everything was rockin.
My theory: the less my tank needs me, the less likely I am to screw it up!


i have timers on just about everything, and the timers are pluged into a surge protector. i am glad i did this, because we have been having realy awful weather here, and lightening has hit my house twice. and the surge protectors did there job.
i hope everything is going to be alright in your tank, hopefully nothing got to stressed out from the lights being on for so long. good luck.