8-gal. biocube build


Originally Posted by Nemo_66 http:///forum/post/2684738
looks good. i was going to get black sand, but decided against it. just make sure the stand is sturdy.

oh, and check out my build on a 10 gallon
Was debating on the black sand,decided to try it on a small tank,I've got a 55 W/reg reef sand.Also going to get a 14 biocube so this smaller one will help my curiousity for the next.My plans for this one is a dedicated zoanthid and ricordia tank,maybe a couple of others,I guess just reef
you know things always change as you go!
Oh,that's a marble topped speaker that it is on,very stable! Thanks though.


Active Member
NIce tank. I also want go with black sand in my next tank. Actually Im going to. lol dont know when that next tank is going to come lol


kool. yea, things change very rapidly in this hobby. i was set for reef in my old 28 gallon bow, and then when we moved. transfered the tank, and wanted a FOWLR with some corals. lol. my ten is going to be a reef tho.


I've got some smaller peices in my 55,Gonna swap back for smaller peices when I have more time!Just wanted to get it running,you know how that goes


looking good. the ginopora or however you spell it, really pops with the black sand and background.
a nice big sun coral would really look good in there.


Tank looks really good. I am in the process of putting one together for my daughter. I like the black sand makes the colors really pop out at you. Do you have any plans on upgrading the main pump, and if so what would you be using in it's place.
I also have a thread started on the progress of my tank check it out if you want. I will definatley be checking back to see your progress also.


I am going to look into and see if I can upgrade pump it is only 106 gph stock,I think I do need more flow! If you or anyone else might know I would appreciate it.


Quick throw together,going to move it and swap the LR next weekend!
You guys wasn't suppose to notice that!