8 inch V-Tail Grouper Needs a Home


I have had this guy since he was 3 inches (2 years)--he is now 8 inches. He is an AWESOME fish, extremely healthy, beautiful, and fun to watch eat. The problem is that he is in my 55 reef(alone of course) and is just getting too big. If anyone can take him, I will give him to you for free if you can offer him a good home and can pick him up in Tuscaloosa or Birmigham, Alabama. I really love this fish, but he deserves something bigger. Oh yeah, I have to warn you: this fish will eat ANY other fish that it can fit in its mouth. Also, even if another fish cannot fit in his mouth doesn't mean that he won't kill it, because he sees the tank as his hunting grounds. This is not to say that he cannot live with others, just that the tankmates need to be formidable opponents (like large triggers, eels, etc). If you have the room and want a REALLY cool fish, please let me know!
well if you are interested in shipping him to cincinnati i have a 220 gallon tank with one 12 inch speckled grouper and i would love to find a tankmate that he cant eat for a change......i will cover all costs for shipping.....email me at wildey475mag@aol.com


Whats your E-mail address Davidcannup. I'm thinking of going aggresive on my 75gal fowlr.
Here's my E-mail address JFLtang@aol.com.