80 gal FOWLR pics?


right now I got a break away FOWLR tank from my main display tank.
90g 48x18x24
Clown tang and a Miniatus grouper.
Groupers are definetly a great addition, so much personality, and easy to keep. Only problem is your limiting the size of the fish.
If your not into that idea, I once saw a 75g with 5 Flasher(Carpenter's) wrasses. WOW was all I could say. Seriously more amazing than alot of displays ive seen in my day... and these wrasses come in at like $30 tag. Not too expensive if your new to the hobby.
These fish are really pretty and they show off coloration when you have multiple males and females but they are so peaceful they wont kill each other - house these guys with very peaceful fish only.