800gallon shark pond


Right now im making a 800 gallon shark pond and its almost done. Would a atlantic sharpnose sark do good in the pond? Right now i got a leopard and smouthhound that are going to be in it with some bottom sharks. Also Im thinking about getting a bat ray would the ray do good in a pond? Thanks


Active Member
when can i see the feeding show??! thats gonna be soo awesome.. make it outline ur property so if anyone tries sneaking in they fall into the pit of DOOM


The bat ray would out grow the pond. They need something in the terms of 5,000 gallons + Do you have any pictures of the pond?
wow i must see those pictures ive been wanting to make a shark pond in my back yard for years. i keep telling my mom we need to change the pool into a shark pond, but she or some reason wont say yes


Heres a pic of it right now, the pink is styrofoam. Im going to get the liner in a day or so. Then I have to drill it and do the pluming for the filter. The dimensions are 8X5X3.


The sharpnose will not survive in that tank. They, like most open water sharks, do not do well with corners and will wind up damaging their snouts. I wouldn't recommend anything less than 1000 gallons for these guys as they are very active and swim constantly.


Still, your pond wouldn't be big enough to keep sharpnose happy. They can grow up to 4 ft. When sharks are kept in a cramped environment, you know what happens: they jump out! For any open-water shark, you should look at 2000-3000 gallons as a bare minimum. But, there are many other relatively inactive sharks out there that you can comfortably keep in your pond, though.


funny thing im doing this too i strted like a month ago and am almost finished all i need to do is set up final filtration setup


i will have a fb900 fluidized bed filter, an aquac ev2500 skimmer, and a 100 galon sump filed with mangroves
i will have leopards smoothhounds and cats