802 Powerhead


Active Member
do you have the air line hooked uyp, if so, disconnect it, if not, it may have some air trapped inside that did not work itself out yet, i had this problem wiht my 402 for a couple of weeks, then someone posted to unplug it and turn it upside down in the tank, a couple of times, to let the air work out, sounds like it could work, but mine finally stabilized and stopped itself


For a week or so new plastic will atract air bubbles its happened on all mine once it gets some light slime coverage the bubble will go away. There won't be anymore micro bubbles. Anyway there good airation! :rolleyes:
Thanks for the quick replies. I'm going to try that upside down trick. My powerhead gave me strong currents at first now it seems to be not as powerful. Any comments? Maybe it's just me!


Active Member
maybe you, or something could be clogged inside of it , like algae or macro algae, anythign, check it
HTH and good luck


Active Member
Did you hit the adjustment on the side by accident? It may have been turned down.
I had my 802 set up for a few months, I got from my brother who had it for a year.
He said it blew bubbles the whole time. I tipped it over when it was running in the tank and shook it, all the air came out. Problem solved.


i have the 802 and its working just fine in my qt tank!i guess i got a good one!