80lbs LR NY

I have about 80lbs of LR... been in my tank for about 2 yrs now, very full with coraline algae and featherdusters..also good to start a pod community in ur tank. Anyone in LI, NY are welcome to make me a suggestoin for a good price! I'm also interested in trading... so make me a good offer!
port washington, not far from roslyn at all. reasonable price? you name it and i will you if i'm satisfied with the amount because i'm not too sure of how to price LRs :)


Active Member
porcupinepuffer, what store do you recommend going to for starting an aggressive tank? and where is the store located...i went to this store tonight called aqua palais. seemed pretty decent, what do you recommend?
lol, totally offtopic there but ok, i will answer.
where in long island are you located? there is a really good place in Bayside called FishTown USA. Very good for saltwaterfish...there is another place in Flushing called Tropical Island pets
where is aqua palais located? I would like to check that place out



Originally posted by porcupinepuffer
port washington, not far from roslyn at all. reasonable price? you name it and i will you if i'm satisfied with the amount because i'm not too sure of how to price LRs :)

well, i've found the LR on sale on **************.com, 45lbs for $99, so you have 80 lbs, i will give you around $150. but again, i don't know what kind of rock and quality you have.. if you are interested, let me know, i will pick it up..
here is the link:
you are more than welcome to order 2 packages from drfostersmith.com for 200 bucks with shipping or whatever. $150 was not what i had in my mind. Sorry. Maybe higher. The quality is very good... in fact, some of the LR was ordered from saltwaterfish.com so if you have faith in this forum, you should like it. Again, full of purple coraline, featherdusters, and few small mushrooms attatched to it as well.
:) ooo. i see. well ok, you can get ur LR from there i guess, lol. I was just looking for local buyers ... just incase you people wnted to save shipping money.



Originally posted by porcupinepuffer
you are more than welcome to order 2 packages from drfostersmith.com for 200 bucks with shipping or whatever. $150 was not what i had in my mind. Sorry. Maybe higher. The quality is very good... in fact, some of the LR was ordered from saltwaterfish.com so if you have faith in this forum, you should like it. Again, full of purple coraline, featherdusters, and few small mushrooms attatched to it as well.

Then, what's is your asking price???? so that i can compare....
I thought you want to get rid of them asap... good luck then..

david s

wow if i was in ny i would jump for real guys good lr goes for $5 a lb so thats a deal at that price or you can allways order some stinky no life shipped rock lol and be unhappy



Originally posted by porcupinepuffer
reasonable price for me would be $220. :D

$200 is the final price, if you think we can make a deal, i will pick them up this weekend..
up to you now..
good luck..