84g. tank stocking suggestionsl


alright, i have a 84 gal. tank i am going to set up. i am now trying to get a stocking plan for the tank.
my first draft includes: porky, flame hawk, some schooling fish( any suggestions ), choc. chip star, and a general star. maybe in long range plan a mandrin(depending on pod count).
i would not put all in tank at once. will the porky eat the stars or smaller fish. i think fish would be safe, not sure of stars. never had an aggressive tank, any suggestion on how best to set up will be read and followed the best i can.


The porky will probably eat the star fish and the schooling fish. I never tried to put a starfish in my tank, but i heard that porkys will probably eat them. You can try bu just be aware. Goodluck


thanks 805puffer.
anyone else have an oppinion?
805puffer i'm taking your advise, i just like to get several opinions on a subject i'm not knoledgeable(man does my spelling get worse all the time, or what) about.


Active Member
i would think the porky would eat the schooling fish. and maybe even the mandarin if he comes out. but for schooling fish, maybe chromis? i hear you have to have an odd number though or else they will kill one to make it odd. it all depends on the porky himself on wweather he will eat the fish or not.
it sounds more like you want an agrezzive fish more than an agressive tank. I think it would be easiest to go all out agressive, or make a comunity tank with schooling fish, stars, and a madarine if you want thosee more. your trying to get the best of both worlds, and although we all want it, you cant always have your cake and eat it too. Im not saying it wont work, it just might not, and then you'll have an empty tank with a porky. so its ultimatly your desition based on the porky you get. some are more agressive than others


i had a porky but it was fine with my star fish. i had brittle stars in the tank. also if you're getting an aggressive tank you would want an aggessive school so i would choose something like blue damsels or domino damsels.


I have the same question as Firedad, but with one additional question. Besides fish tankmates, what about invert tankmates that might be OK?:notsure:


I'd be very nervous, putting the puffer with those species. The starfish, has about a 50/50 chance of being eaten, while the Mandarin if eaten may or may not have toxins that can kill the Puffer.