90-100 Gallon Accessories Assistance


I plan on picking up a tank in a month or so and plan on doing live rock/sand/fish only for a while. I can certainly see myself doing coral and what not eventually but probably 8-12 months down the road minimum.
I want to do it right the first time so if you were building a new tank thats roughly 100 gallons, what would be your inventory sheet of accessories to do it right the first time? Want to start doing some research on the specific things I will need and pricing everything.
Thanks in advance!
100 Gallon Bow Front Tank
Protein Skimmer?
Also what is needed to do a QT/HT tank properly?


Active Member
List:100 Gallon Bow Front Tank drilled for overflow and a closed loop Stand able to fit a sump in and out, tall enough for skimmer
Sump? big as possible

Protein Skimmer? big as possible in sump, not hang on

Heater?Chiller? update your profile with location. i don't need either in ks.

Lights? not a thought until you go reef. they may dictate a chiller if you go mhs.

Also what is needed to do a QT/HT tank properly? water changes and air.


if you dont go closed loop you will need powerheads
dont forget about a titanium probe for stray electricity
Ro/DI unit even in Fish only systems its best to start with the best possible water.
Test kits preferable a master set that is not dip strips
algae scraper like kent or mag float they will make cleaning the glass much easier
get more than one heater rated for the size tank you have and set one just below the other on temp settings so that if one fails the other will pick up.
you wil need a thermometer of some sort digital is better.
I know there is some more stuff that is good to have and others will see and add to the list when I remember I will add aswell.


Updated List:
100 Gallon Bow Front Tank drilled for overflow and a closed loop
Stand - Able to fit a sump in and out & tall enough for skimmer.
Sump - Biggest possible.
Protein Skimmer - big as possible in sump, not hang on
Algae Scraper
Digital Thermometer
What else am I missing?

Heater and/or chiller - I'm in Phoenix AZ - I keep my house at 75 degree's. What do I need?
Lights - So lights don't matter unless I go reef? What's the difference between FOWLR and Reef? Fish don't need light?
Titanium Probe for stray electricity...what is this?
I will definately be doing RO water - not sure if I will be getting a unit right off the bat though.
And another question about the QT Tank - all I need is water changes and air? If you get Ich or something, your fish would be stuck in the QT tank for 30ish days... You don't need a chiller/heater, lights, etc ?


the best advice i got when i started was, get the best that you can afford. this is because your eventually going to upgrade later. this hobby is very addictive. plus, you ideas of the ideal tank will be forever changing, but if you have better hardware now, it will save later. some of the things i did not go cheap with include, lights (will need metal halides of going with coral). yes, fish need light, but if you have certain corals, they need specific lighting. keep reading and researching. ask many many questions. good luck.


Lights - So lights don't matter unless I go reef? What's the difference between FOWLR and Reef? Fish don't need light?
*****fowlr=fish only with live rock. corals need light for photosynthesis and fish need light for us to see them lol*********
Titanium Probe for stray electricity...what is this?
***********grounding probe placed in water for stray current so fish don't get shocked*************