90 fowlr update pics.


Enjoy guys...been up for about 1 month... never had to cycle...purchased from another...just broke it down and rebuilt.... Doing great so far with a the recent addition of the clown.... I am still worried about my eel getting a little slick on me and trying to go after the clown but so far it's olay..he has approached but the clown simply swims a couple inches away and the eel heads back into his rock mine. Enjoy folks



Active Member
sweet marroon if the eal is a snowflake i would not be to worried mine is almost 18" and even my chromis keep it in line


Active Member
Awesome clown. I'm trying to make my mind up about which one to get. I also like how you have your tank setup.


Thanks you 2.... Chilwil...Yeah I know they aren't that mean but individual personality can differ amongst them...I know my eel when purchased with the tank was given feeders...I don't do that and instead give him silversides, squid and clam soaked in vitachem or garlic. He tends to come out as if he will attack but just instantly goes right back into a hole.. BTW he is about 22-24" long and about 1.5-2" in diameter... but I love him. the clown is measuring about 4" and the gold stripes are beautiful even more with just the actinics on.
RS1831... what setup you got currently? reef, aggressive, community? i have both a my maroon in my 90 whihc I am setting up as a community tank, and I have a 46 reef. My false percula is a great fish and measures about 3.5" lots pf personality and only having him a month and a half he now takes food from my hand... really great fish. good luck and either choice is great but if a bigger tank with some unfriendly inhabitants are going to be living there I would go with the maroon who can hold his own.


Active Member
I have a 20 reef and my 70 is cycling right now. I'm really not sure what direction I'm going to go with that. I'm thinking reef with 3 chromis, 1-2 clowns depending on which type I get, and a 6-line wrasse. I'm sure that I'll think of a few once the tank is ready.