90 gal salt with tesselatta


New Member
sugestions for mates or lack there of for a tesselatta ~15inches!?! it's a standard 90 w/sump (wet dry). pretty bleak tank at this point. (cc), some treated rock for tessy to hide in. he/she has a pretty good appetite...3 damsels (original starter fish for cycling) in 4 days.


Active Member
Eels are pretty slow growers, but eventually, he will outgrow that tank. IMO, tessy's need at least a 150. As for now, I wouldn't put anything in with him. Do you have a tank to upgrade to? Bo


New Member
not as of yet. i plan to get at least a 200gal soon...just have to find room for it. can u put a tank that big on an upstairs...will the floor be able to support??? What would be more suitable for a 90 gal aggressively speaking


Active Member
There are a ton of cool fish you could look into for a 90g. Some of them include large wrasses (sunset, lunare, hogfishes, h. tusk), hamlets (blue, indigo), eels (snowflake, zebra, chainlink, goldentail), triggerfish (picasso, blue jaw, pinktail, niger, assasi, bursa), porcupine puffer, golde stripe soapfish (not a beginner fish). If you are 100% positive you are going to upgrade to a 200g, you could keep the tesselata in the 90 fo a couple of years because eels are slow growers. Bo


IMO the best tankmate for a tesselata(if you want to call it a tankmate)Is a strong well secured weighted down aquarium lid with no open areas. These guys are extremely strong. They seem almost Herculean at times and will push their way out of all but the most secure lid. If there is any possibility of a way out, your tessy will find it.