90 gallon custom stand build


Active Member
A friend and I wanted to know how to build a custom stand for a 90 gal tank. He wants to use a 40 gallon as the sump to maximize the total system water quantity. A 40 breeder has the same width size, 18 3/4, and a 40 Long has the same length, 48, so either way the 90 will not be able to sit directly on the supports.
If we use a double 2x4 supports in each corner and then get a thick piece of oak (or other nice wood as opposed to particle board) to place on top, will this be enough support for a 90?
Or, do the corner supports need to be directly under the corners of the tank?


steel tubing.
You will have a lot of weight not sitting on the vertical members which will be needed to transfer the weight of the tank and its contents (900 - 1000lbs) to the floor. A stand of steel tubing skinned with wood is what I would go with. You want almost no deflection in the horizontal members. A piece of wood no matter what it is will eventually bow. (unless you use a few 2x8's) You need room under the stand to get to the skimmer, your sump etc. so excessive bracing is out. Besides you will want extra room under the stand to put "stuff".


thanks for the info zsqure I posted this same question about two weeks ago with no replies, so thank you for being the first!


Active Member
Doubled 2x4 in the corners should work fine. I built mine using cedar 4x4s as the corner posts with horizontal 2x4s creating a box to tie them together. I then skinned it with 3x4 inch oak faced plywood.