90 Gallon devided


Active Member
A week ago I got a Kuda seahorse.....my 2 perc clowns trough a fit. Bronco gave me the neat idea of building a devider. I happened to have a piece of plexi glass in the garage. Here's the new set up



what is that tree like coral in the pictures? I think I have a frag of it. The LFS called it a candleabra???? thanks


Active Member
Thanks! I searched on the web and from wht I found I think they are the same thing...but i could only find the scientific name for the corky finger. But the candelabra and the corky look the same... :thinking: :happyfish


Active Member
Man I sure hope we get the seahorse forum! I have threads all over the place.....I starting to mix up what I posted where!
I'll have more on sunday! I had great success witht he food dish tonight. Valiant made a B line for the dish after I left a trail of mysis for him to follow!