90 gallon reef 125 gallon FOWLR


I don't really have impressive lights on either tank. I should look in to getting some.
125 gallon tank:
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Foxface Lo
Marine Beta
Zebra Eel
Black Ribbon Eel
2 General Starfish
90 Gallon:
Clown Fish
Flame Angel
Coral Beauty Angel
Pink Fridmani
Mandarin Dragonet
2 Blue Reef Chromis
2 Firre Shrimp
Lots of hermits
Purple Nudibranch
Brittle Stars



Some of the fish colors look off in the lighting. Also I had just turned on the lights in the morning. Normally they are more colorful.



Active Member
That's an awesome black ribbon eel. I hear they are hard to keep alive so good job. Tanks looks beautiful, wish I had a couple that size.


Thanks everyone. The ribbon eel is all of my friends favorite too. He is extremely active. It is beautiful when he spirals across the front of the tank. I've had him for about 2 months and he is probably harder to deal with than the powder blue, who was a pain in the beginning. He doesn't eat well, but he eats. Mostly ghost shrimp and frozen shrimp. He has escaped once already and I found him in the overhang filter. Now the tank is a fort, he won't be getting out again. I'll post some pics of the zebra eel later.
Salsells, that's an adorable yorkie. The yorkie is more my GF's dog since I prefr dogs I can be rough with. Little Mia would snap like a twig if I treated her the way I do Auron (my husky).
crazyzeus1, is your foxface as bulletproof as mine is? I've had him since I started the hobby and I've never had to worry about his health or eating.
Here's another of the ribbon eel.


Active Member
Awesome tanks!!
I sure wish could afford a tank that big. How big is your foxface?


Admission huh? Not a bad idea. Might cover the cost of feeding everything.
The foxface is about 6". He's like a puppy, eats out of my hand, never skittish. Plus he can outswim the tangs any day of the week.


Active Member
does your ribbon have teeth? I mean sharp pointy teeth

U know me......the kid looking for fish with sharp teeth


No teeth to speak of and he is definitely not aggressive in any way. I've had my hands in the tank several times with his face only inches away. He isn't afraid of anything, just crawls up and checks me out. Dragon eels have about the meanest looking teeth on any eel I've seen. My next tank is going to be an evil tank with a dragon eel, clown triggers, and puffers. I want to be afraid to put my arm in the tank.


Our Foxface is about 5 inches. He's been in our tank for 3 weeks now & is adjusting. He's still not totally yellow...got some brown along his back still. But he is GREAT fun...figured out real quick that my fingers deliver the flake food! He'll come right up to them when I put them in the water. And he is SO fast!