90 gallon setup


Just got my 90 gallon cycling with 20 lbs of live rock and a few damsels. i plan on these fish once everything is good to go:
1 ribbon eel
1 heinochus butterfly
1 fire shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
1 hawaiin spotted puffer
1 longnosed butterfly
1 flame angel
1 boxfish
goin to add some more live rock along with some snails and crabs. also thinking about a purple lobster but not too sure how he and the eel would get along. what do you guys think?


New Member
well in all honesty, the spotted puffer will kill all your shrimp. as for the lobster he will get along with everyone (even the ribbon is all likely hood). ribbon eels are kinda touch and go on keeping them alive. figure about 1 in 3 live. they tend to get really stressed and starve themselves to death. if you really want one, your best bet is to have it alone in its own tank till you can get it to eat. (in like a 20 gal) once it is eating good and used to you feeding it, then put it in the 90. and remember the box fish can release toxins if stressed so make sure no one picks on him cuz he can kill your whole tank. and add alot more rock (eels and lobsters like hiding places) like another 40 - 50 lbs


thanks for the advice. ya that was my plan with the eel and getting more rock. boxcar was more of a thought then anything. i didnt know that about the hawaiian spotted puffer, all ive read is that it was peaceful actually (from this site).


New Member
they are pretty peaceful. mine is sweet as could be, he just kills clowns and shrimp. but he gets along just fine with my reef lobster, flame angel, and coral beauty. was gonna pick up a snowflake to give them a new friend soon.