90 gl 75 gl for sale


For sale:
90 gallon tank and homemade stand
75 gallon tank and homemade stand
1- 384 watt pc lighting w/ homemade canopy
3- fluva 404 filters
1- emperor 400 filter
1- berlin xl protein skimmer hang on back
1- berlin protein skimmer for sump
1- seaclone protein skimmer
3- hagen 400 gph power heads
2- maxi jet power heads 160 gph
1- power head 660 gph
3- 300 watt heaters
1- 250 watt heater
1- 10 gl tank
1- 60 whisper filter
90 lbs figi live rock
100 lbs appox live sand
A bunch of miscellaneous goods
live stock:
1- hippo tang
1- royal gramma
1- watchman goby
1- flame angle
1-clown perc
hermits + snails
email: shanker3@msn.com


Are you willing to separate. Looking for a protein skimmer and power heads. How much for the protein skimmers and the power heads.


i would buy this in a heart beat if i lived by you. if you do separate this and can ship the tanks i would take one of them