90 or 110


New Member
Hey guys,
I am thinking about upgrading from my 55.
A local store has 90 sets with hood tube light and stand for $399. and 110 highs for $449. not drilled tanks. are these price ok what would you do. they are both 4 ft the 110 in just taller. so space is not a issue. thanks in advance


Active Member
I can't comment about the prices since I usually buy everything used but I would probably go with the 110. Since the larger the volume of water you have the more stable your water parameters will be


I am in the middle of the same debate, but I want to have corral. I believe that I will go with the 90 gallon because the 110 is just too deep for any average priced (around 400-500 dollars) lighting to penetrate. At the same time it would be nice to have the extra water load but that is what a big sump is for. This is just something to think about