90 corner overflow tank
1.5-2" sand bed
90-100 lbs live rock
Current inhabitant: 20" sfe
Stock list I want:
Harlequin Tusk
Gold striped maroon clown
flame angel
blue spotted puffer
yellow tang
Filtration will be adequate using a wet/dry for 125 along with coral life 125ss
and occasional carbon to polish up the water, and do water changes as needed every 2-3 weeks with 15% water changes
Please let me know if I will have a problem here...I know I might be pushing it but if not by much then I am gonna go for it.
1.5-2" sand bed
90-100 lbs live rock
Current inhabitant: 20" sfe
Stock list I want:
Harlequin Tusk
Gold striped maroon clown
flame angel
blue spotted puffer
yellow tang
Filtration will be adequate using a wet/dry for 125 along with coral life 125ss
and occasional carbon to polish up the water, and do water changes as needed every 2-3 weeks with 15% water changes
Please let me know if I will have a problem here...I know I might be pushing it but if not by much then I am gonna go for it.