90g reef livestock


I have a 90g that I am setting up and it is going to be a reef. I need to know if all of this is okay :happyfish
Firefish (2 if they are mated)
Green Mandarin
True Percula Clownfish (mated)
Blue/Hippo Tang
Longfin Fiary Wrasse
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
AND............for the grand fanale........my zebra eel! (zebras don't attack fish, only crustacean, and I'm going to try to have a cleaner shrimp, but it will go in before the zebra and see how it works).
All of the fish are 4" or less when they reach full size, except for maybe the Hippo. Will they all be okay together?


Here is a picture of my old 90g, keeping that and my new 90g, so I will have 2, one with my other fish, and one with just eels. Something is wrong with my eel right now though, above his eyes, he has two identical warts that are just getting bigger, and he isn't eating, I have no idea why, and no one else seems to either because all of my other fish in that tank are doing amazing:
1 Blue-Line puffer (whatever it is called)
1 Niger Trigger (He is a devil, and will eat out of my hand, and he will also try to eat my hand :scared: , but it doesn't hurt. I think I have to get rid of him, he is getting too aggressive, and is attacking the fish that have been in the tank with him for a few years)
1 Maroon Clown (had him since I started the old tank, he is 9 years old at least)
PS: I'm not going with that livestock anymore, but I think I will just post the pics anyways.



New Member
The green mandarin needs established tank with copepods for food source and needs to be removed immediatly if he dies because he contains poison. As a community fish with the others listed he sounds fine.