90g stocking- good or no good


Active Member
90g with 50lbs LR
90lbs LS
coralife 125 skimmer
will have a UV ster
and a refuge in my sump
want to add:
1 stars and stripes puffer (I know it will outgrow the tank)
1 humu trigger
1 angler
how that sound?


The Hummu will eventually need a tank in the 6' range, for example 125 or larger. A potential 10" fish in a 4ft. tank is not gonna do it.


Active Member
The 90 will be fine as juveniles, but an upgrade to a 150 or 180 is going to be neccessary for them.


Active Member
anyone think that the puffer or trigger might accidently kill the angler. I assume they would be top swimming fish, while the angler is a bottom dwellor.
I plan to get the trigger and puffer at about 5"
and the angler a juvinile. (so he doesn't eat the trigger or puffer)
I definatly know the puffer would outgrow, but I was thinking that the humu only gets 10" in the wild and doubted it would get that large in captivity


If well fed, and ample swimming space is provided they'll definately hit 10". I'd scratch the puffer and angler. The angler is best suited for a species tank, as the puffer and Trigger would most definately be tempted to get nippy on the anglers hide. My friend has a 14" stars and stripes in a 240 {which is an 8' tank}, and even in that tank he looks huge. A 90 would be only good as a QT, for a big boy like this.