90g stocking


hey I just purchased a 90g tank which i am not plannign to make intoa reef because many of the fish I want are not reef safe...such as the angels....how long would you recommend i have my tank up and running before adding an angel, butterfly or tang??? Do you think these three types will get along???
Also if you have a 90g, could you state what type of fish and/or inverts you have so i have an idea of what i can into this thing...thx!!:happy:



Originally posted by jwtrojan44
You've chosen three fish families that are among the most sensitive to water quality. Ideally angels and butterflies do best in mature, established systems, those which have been running for at least 6 months with stable water parameters. The same could be said for tangs, IMO.
All three also require the presence of ample amounts of LR, from which they graze throughout the day.
In a 90, you'll be limited to one of the smaller dwarf angels (centropyge) from which there are several that can do well in the right conditions. Butterflies are touchy, with many species not adapting well to captivity, or aggressive tankmates. They are not good beginner fish, so you may want to reconsider this choice. Some of the hardier species include the Kleins, black back, Long nose, Auriga, and Racoon. The tangs suitable for this size tank can be quite aggressive and of the three families, should be added last. A kole, yellow, or scopas would work. A juvenile hippo tang would be a choice but they are prone to parasites and would eventually need a larger tank. I guess if it were me, I'd narrow it down to one dwarf angel and perhaps one of the tangs, with a couple smaller fish to round things out. Keeping one of each family could be a bit much, particularly as they grow.
I keep a blue face angel (currently 6 inches) and a black back butterfly in my 120. Both have nearly doubled in size in two years, and the blue face will need a larger tank in the foreseeable future. Always try to plan for the adult size of the fish you plan to keep, even if it means a tank upgrade.

I realise that these fish are sensitive to water quality and I wasn't planning on adding them for awhile anyhow but about being restricted to the dwarf angels I am unsure because of what I have read elsewhere....
i mean I am not saying you are wrong because chances are you know more than me I just find that many times it seems that people over estimate these kidns of things...and I don't see how only a dwarf angel, a tang and a few smaller fish could fill up a FOWLR tank........


k thanx for your input ...i appreciate it...i think that no matter how big of a tank we get....we will always think it looks "small"....:yes: