90g tank opinions


New Member
I was wondering if I could get some thoughts on a stocking list for a 90g FOWLR that I will be setting up. I will be unable to upgrade to a larger tank.
1 dogface puffer
1 rabbitfish (one-spot or magnificent)
5-7 chromis
The puffer will undoubtedly be the star of the tank. The foxface will hopefully earn his keep by eating algae on the rocks and adding some color to the tank...nice contrast with the black puffer I hope to find. The chromis will be the fish responsible for eating what Mr Puffer doesnt eat and also providing the tank with some additional movement and flashiness.
Looking for opinions, comments, suggestions.


Active Member
from everything i know about these 3 species of fish i would say no
the foxface yes the chomis also a yes.its the dogface puffer thans a no they grow very quickly and will outgrow a 90 in no time at all the are somewhat active fish a 4 ft tank would be suitable for him the mixture if the fish you are interesed in will all work but its mainly your tank size that is the issue.you could however get away with spineyboxfish puffer(70 gal) or a porcupine puffer (90)saddle puffer(50 gal) hope this helps


Active Member
Porcupine puffers grow to 18".
Welcome to SWF.com.
I recommend you research the toby puffers..they are great puffers that stay small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Porcupine puffers grow to 18".
Welcome to SWF.com.
I recommend you research the toby puffers..they are great puffers that stay small.
i went to another web site and loked for the min tank requirements it stated the porc min tank size was 90. maybe because they grow slower than dog face puffers do and are not quite as clumsy because your right they do that big when a dogface is listed as 1 ft 1 inch .
i know my spiney boxfish doesnt grow very fast and hes fed every day and eats like a pig.
in the amount of time i had my ss puffer he grew very fast very noticable. thats just a hunch about tank requirements


Active Member
accually this is the only time i have come across this type with that particular site I dont get it either.until you aid something i didnt even look to see how large they got i knew they get larger in the wild as most fish do but the ida od a fish that gets 18 inches long in an 18 wide tank up until this point you almost made sense . lol
but my 6 ft 125 it is the same width just 2 ft longer. like i said b4 i guess the fishes habits and activity levels do play a major role in this when it comes to desiding tank min requirments.my spiney boxfish is no where near the active level that my ss puffer was at


I have a foxface and I love him.
But I dont think youll have that golden foxface with the puffer.
he will show his nices browns blacks and paterns.
and I would see a problem with his dieting considering that they eat lots of algea and smaller amounts of meat. Thats what I see happening. But i could be wrong.
The algea on the rock would not be enough youd have to put algea strips down to


Active Member
i feed my foxface 2 -3 times a day 2 would be ok but im home and they stare at me lol
i feed her
am veggie flakes by omega one
mid day
thera+A non medicated anti paresitic formula pellets( i use small and large most of my fish love this stuff) if doing 2 feedings daily you can alternate or mix the 2 together feed at the same time
i do that sometimes
emerald entrese and formula 2 frozen cubes(thawed and soaks in water with 2 drops of garlic extreme
this is what i use for my herbavores focxface tangs blenny and scat.but most of me eat the pellets and flakes
seaweed selects green red and brown a couple times a week between meals as a treat(not a meal) I have always had foxfaces with puffers as long as you give each fish the diet it needs mixing them is fine.always feed other fish b4 the puffer to reduce chances of injury to other fish trying to chase his food(learned that the hard way 3 yrs later )