90G v.s. 180G

When you step in ***** and :eek: Here the "$1.00 per 1 gallon tank sale. (up to 90 gallon) You question yourself "Should I buy 4-90 gallon tanks instead of one 180G tank?"
4-90 gallon tank for $360 v.s. one 180 gallon tank for :eek: $580-680 ranges.
Advantage: You can put more spiecments in different tanks.
Disadvanage: Costly start up equipment, Limit "tank-mate" spiecments.
Your comment?
Your opinion?
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Active Member
The 'tank' is one of the cheapest parts of the whole setup. Good skimmer, quality LR, and animals make up the majority of the cost. If it was me, I'd do the one 180.
Great question though!
Good Luck in your choice(s)


I would get the 180, but four 90G tanks is a very cool costly idea. Accumulate a couple of small triggers, angle's and tangs.


I'll tell you what...I would go with 2 90's. We had so much trouble deciding what kind of tank to go with when we started out, we left an empty cycled tank up for weeks.
We finally did what I suggested, went with 2. We now have more...but hey, what the heck.
The thing is, there are fish in my FOWLR that would devistate the reef tank, and there are things in the reef tank that wouldn't last 2 seconds in the FOWLR. Its the best of both worlds, corals, shrimp, crabs in one, and aggressive buggers in the other.
We have 4 tanks and I like all of them. 2 are 105 gal, 1 55 gal and a 46 bow front. one is a local only tank, one is FOWLR, one is a reef tank with tangs and one is a breeing tank for Bangaii cardinals. We started with a 55 gal. LOL
Why don't you start a poll and see how many of us have more than one tank? Just a thought.


Active Member
crazy idea ?
Get four 90's
Line them up along a 20 foot wall.
Stairstep them along this wall, with each tank being 6-12 inches lower than the first.
3 external overflows connecting them - one tank feeding the next down the chain. Or drill them on the ends ??
Highest tank a dedicated sps/clam tank with MH lighting and closed loop circualtion.
Next tank LPS & softies with VHO with closed loop circulation.
Next tank a 90 gallon refugium with DSB & caulerpa.
Last tank a 90 gallon sump, skimmer and return pump, etc.
What a crazy idea - but would it work for a nut wanting to try it ?
$360.00 bucks for multi-reef cascading tanks LOL
Still gotta light them though
Pray you don't lose siphon