* 911 * Need help fast


New Member
:help: Having a major problem. Can't get my PH to raise, try buffer, PH upper, and about 10% water change, and still nothing staying about 7.7 .
Running a Fluval 304 on a 46 gallon bow tank, with a power head running at 270gph, point upward. The surface of the tank is ripplly,
ALK lvl is normal.
Please help do not want to lose fish, and other animals, been like this for about 6 days, no signs of stress on the fish yet.
Should I buy another power head, or buy a air stone. What are my options, and the fastest.
Thanks for any input:help: :confused: :help:


Active Member
First thing i would try would be another test kit.. Its hard to believe all that didnt bring it up at all???? :notsure: otherwise hopefully someone else will chime in and lets see if they have any other ideas. goodluck


Active Member
First off pH buffer will raise your pH. Do a search on this site for pH buffer, Bangguy did a good write up about this not too long ago. If you put enough of this in any thing you try right now might be fighting against the buffer that is in your water. Sounds to me like doing a water change will help you problem, especially if you have put in a good amount of buffer.


New Member
First, I bought another ph tester , still the same.
Second, The last thing I did was a water change, should I do another one. I also heard the buffer only temp. raise the ph, I already use it once, should I try again? Does it take a couple of use of buffer for it to work, because PH is still staying at 7.7


Active Member
it might, theres also some dtuff, ( cant remember what its called ) that will raise your ph,, but its only temporary. sorry. wish i could be of more help.


I just had the same problem. What kind of substrate are you using? I cam,e homw last week and one of my clowns ahd died took my water to the LFS and my ph was 7.4 i didnt use a buffer cause my alkialinty was already 300 normal so i did 2 15% water changes over 2 days and it is curretly 8.2 i had cc and switched to live sand shortly after was when i had the ph probelm but the sand is naturally bufferd to have a ph of 8.4 belive. Anyways thats what i did and ill tell you i know someone is going to say dont do think but i used some tap water when doing my water changes becuase i didnt want to loose any more fish and i knew that my ph is natually alkaline so.. but thats just my experience


Before I say it, this came from my lfs...My pH was also 7.7 and my lfs owner told me to use the buffer and wait one day before testing and adding more. It took probably 4 or 5 doses over a period of a week, but it worked. My pH is now 8.2. One dose probably won't do the job.