92 GAL Corner Lighting question


New Member
First time post here, im getting ready to setup this 92 GAL corner up, but im having a hard time figuring out lights. All i have is a simple striplight setup with the bulbs having two prongs at the end. The strip light does allow for two bulbs (actinic, 10,00 K), the bulbs would measure out to be 36". My question is does these two bubls both at 30 W work for the size tank ro do they need to be higher wattage. Im doing this for a guy at a local restuarant so he is wanting some really nice stuff, but may not want to get to much wrapped up in money.


Originally Posted by shbrehob
First time post here, im getting ready to setup this 92 GAL corner up, but im having a hard time figuring out lights. All i have is a simple striplight setup with the bulbs having two prongs at the end. The strip light does allow for two bulbs (actinic, 10,00 K), the bulbs would measure out to be 36". My question is does these two bubls both at 30 W work for the size tank ro do they need to be higher wattage. Im doing this for a guy at a local restuarant so he is wanting some really nice stuff, but may not want to get to much wrapped up in money.
It all depends on what you plan having. FO or FOWLR these lights will work. If you plan on keeping any corals, you will have to upgrade lights. Really nice stuff and not getting wrapped up in money do not go together in this hobby!