92 Gallon Corner Tank


I am thinking about purchasing a 92 Gallon corner tank, does anyone have one of these and are they a tank that displays well? Also is there enough space under these units for the equipment needed?
Thanks in advance,
Mebigloser (Ron)


New Member
I have a 54 corner, the only things I've found are that you can't see the overflow if anything gets back there & the curved glass makes everything in the tank look larger unless it is right up front. As far as equipment room it took a little work but I got what I needed under it. HTH


I also have a 54 Corner---Lighting can be a problem-- If you are Ok with Hanging pendant style then I say go for it with the 92...

dr. jay

I have a 54 and a 92... they are both beautiful. The 54, I am going to raise seahorses and the 92 is my QT/ invert tank. Plenty of room, and very nice. A little difficult to keep clean as the curved glass is harder, but a good aquarium