95gal Aggresive stocking


Active Member
I'm putting all my small non aggresive fish into a 24gal soon, that means I will have an empty 95gal that I can make aggresive! This is what I was thinking about putting in there, let me know what you think stocking wise...
Valentini Puffer
Humu Trigger
Some sort of eel
Kole Tang
some sort of angel
I would get a lion but I'm allergic, could I put in more fish than this?
My filtration is 120lbs of LR, a 5in DSB, a nu-clear canister filter, I have a UV, I'm getting a skimmer. My tank has 14x overlay.
Thanks for all the help


Sounds good, but I'm not sure of too many angels that could go in there. A majestic could and a scribbled and a regal all could.


Swallowtail, flagfin, rock beauty, and scribbled are good ideas for a tank that size. Regal angels are a bad choice, they are difficult to keep alive.


Much better choice. I don't see why people like Humas so much, pink tails are much better looking and have a better personality. Blue throat is even nicer looking in my opinion.


Active Member
In the tank right now are a bluespot jawfish, a royal gramma, and 2 clowns which are being moved into a 24 gallon. Would I be able to leave the 2 clowns in the 95gal with the aggresive or will they get beat up. I REALLY don't want to risk it.


If they are maroon clowns and you get a small trigger and a pebble toothed type eel (Snowflake) then they will be fine.
If it's a pair of percs or something like that, you would be better off removing them.


Active Member
k....their percs, they were my first fish so they will be moved. In my 24gal I'm putting 2 clowns, jawfish, and I hate the gramma so he might be left in the aggresive tank (sounds cruel but he tried to kill both clowns, and a 175$ jawfish, not my favorito).


Do you have a blue spot jawfish? Those are the highest priced I'd ever seen and even they are normally sold for under $130. If not, what do you have? I'm not a big fan of small fish, so i could never justify paying that much for one. You had darn well better remove anything that might harm that fish. lol


Active Member
I got one on sale at my LFS (bluespot) for 100$ but now they won't get them that much so they will be 175$...so that much to replace it


Active Member
This is what I'm currently thinking then I will narrow down the type...
Tang-need something to clean up alagea
Trigger-something more on the calmer side, it doesn't have to be way laid back I just need something that won't tear up my other fish
Eel-something colorful and not to much $, can't spend hundreds
A puffer-I was looking at the valentini but I have a feeling that would be the fish that gets picked on most so something bigger.
Angel-Not sure what kind, I REALLY like the regal but don't want to go out of my skill level
BTW my tank is 4ftlong,18wide,25tall.
I also have a 5in sand bed because of my jawfish, it will be 4 once I put some into the other tank.
Thanks for all the help


You know from that other thread which triggers would go best in your tank. I still think the blue throat will be the best since it normally only gets to around 8 or 9 inches. The niger, though a good fish can get to a foot long. Huma is unpredictable.
If you get a small puffer, like a valentini, you should buy it at its full size. In this case, a sad 4".

You have some good choices for tangs. You can get the kole if you'd like. Yellow, purple, convict, atlantic blue. Just depends on what you want it to look like. Nothing overly skittish like a powder blue and nothing that can get huge like a blue or naso tang.
A large angel can work in your tank for years before you'd have to worry about upgrading, if you buy a juvi.
Eels are tough. I always advise a snowflake eel first off. Zebra eels are pretty and passive as well. A small jeweled moray would be nice. Goldentails are also passive, but might eventually chomp down on some of the smaller fish like the valentini.
You really should pick one specific fish that you can't live without and then make your list based off of that fish.


Active Member
Okay this is what I'm thinking
A Bluethroat or Pink Tail Trigger
A kole tang
an eel I'm still wondering about maybe a SFE but I"ve read they hide a lot
For angels I'm leaning towards a majestic
As for puffer I don't want to get an adult so they will last longer. I would REALLY Like to go with a bigger puffer, I can't upgrade because I'm gonig to college in 3 years. I can always get rid of a fish. I also was looking and don't most tangs except for the Kole tang need 6ft tanks, thanks for the help boalgf


Active Member
Heres the deal...I can't get another tank, the jawfish will probably die tonight, hes in a QT tank. So I have a royal gramma and 2 clowns. I'm looking at tangs still, the trigger, and eel are ruled out now. I have a cleaner shrimp but I'm trading him in so I can get a valentini puffer. What do you guys think of a blue hippo tang in my 95gal?


If you get a Flagfin just make sure it's eating before you purchase it. They often refuse and wilt away. I'd steer away from the Hepatus as they do get big, not to mention ick magnets. If I had your tank I'd go: Lemonpeel Angel, Harlequin Tuskfish, Blue-Throat Trigger{male}, Valenti Puffer, Pacific form Kole Tang, and a small Goldentail Moray. Only if you have the filtration and good skimming to manage. The tank like that would be just over the line, into the overstocked lane, but if the fish are all 3-4 inches you'd be good for a long time.