9W sterilizer ?'s and Lion Fish ?


New Member
I just recently got a 9w sterilizer from a friend of mine and have a ?in if I should keep it on all the time or put it on a timer for a couple hrs a day? Also I would like to find out if any inverts can be keep in the tank with this sterilizer. It is a 46 bow size tank. I do have live rock in it.
2nd question pertains to Lion fish and what kinda other fish you can have with them in the same tank, and how they are to take care of?


My sterilizer is on 24/7. I have live rock and just about every kind of invert except anemones. Just remember that the bulb needs to be replaced at least annually. Check to see when yours was last changed to see whether or not your wasting your time with the current setup. Also remember that you want slow flow thru the unit for maximum efficiency.


Active Member
Wat kind of a lion is it? If it is just a volitan, then you can only keep that fish in such a small tank. At least it is bow front, so form yer rocks like to the sides, make it almost like a horseshoe, so he can settle himself in the open space where the bow is. With a larger tank, talking like 75 gallons and above, you can keep pretty much anything that comes to mind as long as it wont fit in the lions mouth. They are only aggressive towards wat can be their food. Other than that, they are not attacking animals, their spines are mearly for protection. And, yes, keep it on all day. It is good to have that cuz lions are susceptible to popeye, and the uv can kill that parasite. Yes, cahnge the bulb. You can tell when it goes out, at least on mine. I can see a lil bit of light that pops out, tells me that its on. If you dont have any corals or anything, then you should get a really slow pump, so the water passes through slowly, exposing the water to the light more. If you DO have corals, then run a faster pump, so it is exposed, but not so much bacteria is killed off.


Yes, check to make sure the bulb is less than a year old, otherwise replace it. What brand is it? What kind of pump do you have on it? I run mine 24/7. A UV will not affect your inverts.