A 1 month established tank


New Member
Does this sound right? My diatoms bloomed and then they settled down, no more diatoms really. My ammonia and nitrites seem to be 0 and the high Nitrates are telling me the tank cycle is ending but my PH is high. Do you think once my nitrates lower and everything zero's out my PH will lower?
Ammonia:0-.25, most likely zero it's just kinda in between.
PH seems a tad high, nitrates are spiked and I should have zero ammonia, again I am pretty sure the ammonia is zero, it just seems a tad in between 0 and .25


I think your diatoms will bloom again, and again, and again but theres nothing you can do about that. As far as your ammonia being slightly registered in your cycle I wouldnt worry about it too much till your nitrates are back down in the acceptable range (10-20) and until then just watch your levels. In conclusion I'd say yes, your tank's completely acceptable.