a beautiful pair

just thought I would show a nice shot of our mated pair of
Blue Spotted Jawfish.....
have had them since may no successful broods yet but they love to try.....


Great pics...thanks for sharing. What do you feed yours? Do you know about any potential health problems for the BSJF? Do you have and good web sites you could share for more research on owning these guys. I had one for two months. I loved watching him...reminded me of a Sesame Street Muppet....he died last week and I don't want to adopt another until I find out more about them. Any help you could give would be awesome. Are yours kept in a tank community? If so, what else do you have in the tank with them?
they are in my comunity 120. in with them are pairs of watchman wheeler gobies, citron clown gobies, antena gobies, false perc clowns, a yellow cleaner gobie, kole tang and 4 pajama cardinals.
they get fed once a day (due to hair algea outbreak) I used to feed 2-3 times a day frozen krill, mysys, plankton and silversides all soaked in fresh crushed garlic. if you do a search on Reef Central about blue spot jawfish you should find lots of info.
I have thought of isolating them in thier own tank but since they are ahppy in thier current tunnels I have no desire to stress them out trying to make them happier.
It would be nice to have successfull broods but keeping them healthy and happy are more important.